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From Our Family to Yours

We invite you to explore, experience, and find your Sanctuary.

Award winning, estate grown, Outer Banks wine available to ship in the USA.

BUY & SHIP Our Wines

Shipped right to your door with Vinoshipper.

EVENTS at Sanctuary

Join us all year for fun times at the winery!

Outer Banks charcuterie boards paired with OBX wines at Sanctuary Vineyards and The Cotton Gin retails stores in Corolla, Duck, Nags Head, and Jarvisburg, NC.


Available Friday-Sunday at the winery. (Reservations required in advance - $100 minimum order for delivery)

OBX wine tastings at Outer Banks event venue, Sanctuary Vineyards and Winery.


at the Winery

A broad range of tasting experiences are available - click “Reserve” to learn which one suits you best.

Outer Banks wine club at Sanctuary Vineyards and winery.


No-fee, wine perks, special events, + swag!

Outer Banks wine tastings at OBX retail locations, The Cotton Gin.


Tasting Rooms

Tastings are available at Cotton Gin locations seasonally (May-September). Call ahead to confirm your visit.

Outer Banks vineyard and winery accessible via a boat tour from Duck, NC and located on the main highway in Jarvisburg, NC.

Our Sanctuary

Learn about our local history & unique regional wines.

Experience an Outer Banks wine tasting from OBX vineyard and winery, Sanctuary Vineyards.


The Wine Library

Award-winning NC wines, just a click away.

A boat cruise with Kitty Hawk Kites across the Currituck Sound to visit an Outer Banks winery and vineyard.


Experience a cruise across the Currituck Sound (from Duck to Jarvisburg) and a wine tasting with a special group of friends/family!


Sanctuary Vineyard’s No-Fee WINE CLUB

Members agree to purchase a one-year Membership Commitment of Semi-Annual Packages.
(Two packages of 6 bottles a year, available in May and December)

Sanctuary Vineyard’s No-Fee WINE CLUB

Your Membership will Include

  • Free V.I.P. Tasting at Sanctuary Vineyards

  • 25% OFF Case Purchases at the winery

  • 1 Ticket of your choice to either of our Seafood Festivals, Crabdaddy (Sept.) or Currishuck (Nov.)

  • Access to Exclusive Wine Club Swag and Invitation-Only Events

  • Wine Pick-up Parties with Live Music and Food Trucks

  • Members agree to purchase a one-year Membership Commitment of Semi-Annual Packages. (Two packages of 6 bottles a year, available in May and December)

  • Members may cancel after one year, but a cancellation request must be submitted.

  • Membership will auto-renew each year unless cancellation request form is received in advance.

  • Members will be notified by email prior to the release date.

  • Members retain the option to pick up their wine at the winery rather than having it shipped.


Local Wines make fantastic gifts for your Air B&B and VRBO vacation guests!

Homeowners, send and inquiry for more information on how Sanctuary Vineyards can help ensure your rental is a preferred destination here on the Outer Banks of NC.

  • Vouchers for a Reserve Tasting and a Tour

  • Special discount coupon for your guests to redeem at tasting/tour

  • 6-Pack of Sanctuary Vineyards wine glasses for your property

  • Rack card with information for your guests

  • Purchase one case of our wines prior to April 1, 2025. Wine held in cold storage until your visit.